About Us

I'm Easton, I started "Extrovert Society" January 6th of 2022, there's quotation marks around it because that name didn't exist at the time, I'll explain.

In the summer of 2021 I was going into my senior year of high school. I was telling my friends at the time "I don't want this summer to be wasted away". Many days would come when I didn't have a plan, Adrian was busy, no other friends were free, and I didn't want to stay inside. So I decide to go to this popular place near where I grew up called "Towne Lake Boardwalk" and meet new people. The very first people I went up to was a huge group of guys, all having a great time and I cracked some jokes and said a curse word.. which I did all the time, it's normal in today's world. They stopped me and said "we are actually a church youth group gathering so, you can stay but no cursing." I wasn't interested in God at all. So I stayed for 2 more minutes before leaving. I went through the summer meeting many people, most were just friendly conversations, but every now and then the Lord would be mentioned which I thought was weird but I carried on.


I continued this practice into the school year, talking to everyone I could, even when I went on vacation I continued it and met a whole basketball team from Tennessee (If y'all are reading this, text me). One thing that kept on happening whether on vacation or back home is that people would look around when I approached them, always asking "Are we being filmed?" I would laugh and tell them no, they couldn't believe a random person was just walking up to them for no reason. At the end of those conversations someone always said "if this was a video I'd watch that all night." Right there, the idea was started.


On January 5th, 2022. I went out after school, bought a random Bluetooth mic from Best Buy and I called my friend Kevin to ask if he was free to record for me. I just asked "Hey I need to test this mic out to know if it's good". I went to Towne Lake and recorded 2 conversations I had. One of the conversations was actually with a pastor of a nearby church. I edited the videos all night and posted one of the conversations on TikTok the next day. Next thing you know I wake up the next day to 1,000,000 views. I couldn't believe it. That video was the start to this brand now named "Extrovert Society". After so many people mentioning the Lord, and the a video with a pastor getting millions of views, my heart was curious about the Lord but I still put it on the side. One day I asked this guy named Chase to record with me. (Chase if you're reading this, I am still praying for you.) He said "Of course I'll record but I have to be done by 7pm". I laughed and joked about him having an early bedtime and he said "No, it's Wednesday, I have church". This right here, SHOCKED ME. At this time I have multiple videos well at millions of views, someone would leave that for... church? I was so puzzled but then he invited me. I made up an excuse and said no, but then we went on to record. I was recording him talking to this older couple and you'll never guess where they met... church. I was thinking "Of course". I threw that to the back of my brain and kept on. After their conversation I just went to say hi to them and the wife looked at me, pulled me aside and said "The holy spirit is telling me to talk to you, it's telling me you're bright, but you've gone through very hard times recently, something is weighing down your soul." Inside I was absolutely crying. I was so confused. I didn't believe in any spirit but yet this so called Holy Spirit lead her to tell me exactly what I'm going through. For reference, my uncle passed away in September of 2021, just a couple months before this conversation. I've been doing everything I could to avoid thinking about it because I was so close with him. I spent that last year spending every day with him because I worked at the Tire Shop he owned. I still miss him and it's been almost 3 years. She told me the Lord was waiting for me. I'll never forget that. But I was a hard headed kid, still am, so this wasn't the turning point, matter fact I don't know when a turning point was. But I told my friend that I would come to his church that day and in my mind it was just to go once so I can prove that this is all coincidences and this isn't real. 

I don't know when exactly I fully turned to Christ but what I can tell you is, starting form that day, I never missed a Wednesday for the entire semester. I went every Wednesday until the church closed it's youth for the summertime. By April I started volunteering at a nearby church on Sundays for camerawork thanks to a girl named Kyndall. I made it my goal to represent Christ and from the point I learned about him I only bought Christian apparel so that people could see his name on my shirt. By august of that year I became a staff member at the church I was volunteering for.

2022 was a good year for me, until it wasn't. I went through ups and downs just like anyone, 2023 was the same. I have a lot to say but I'll save it. The main point is that Christian apparel was sometimes all I had of Jesus through those years. When I felt lost, alone, and unseen the only thing I had to wear everyday was Christian apparel. I felt far from the Lord but I had this daily reminder of Him. I want our brand to be that reminder for you when you are far from Him. If you are close to the Lord, think about the reminder your shirt will be to other people. You're able to spread his message without even mentioning his name. Everyone will see your shirt. Everyone will see His love. That's the dream. Extrovert Society has been years in the making, but I'm glad to say that this story has only begun it's journey of spreading the love that Jesus has showed me.

  • Easton-

    I've been uploading videos online since Jan. 2022, and I met Christ March 2022. I've worked at multiple different churches and yet there's been so many times I lose focus on Jesus. So for the past years I've only bought Christian clothing so that I never forget the Lord every single day.
  • -Extrovert Society-

    Our mission is to create meaningful designs about the Lord that people will still proudly and fashionably wear. We believe Christian apparel plants seeds for easier conversations about Him. No matter what's in store in 2024 we will follow the Lord with all our heart and trust in his will.
  • -Adrian

    After high school I found myself walking down the wrong path for 2 years. Thankfully my Mother and Best Friend of 8 years guided me back to the beautiful name of the Lord. Now I can confidently say the Lord is the truth and I am on a mission to shamelessly spread his name.
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